Ways to Donate

Donations from people like you allow us to open our doors to people who are ready to make a change that can literally save their lives. Here are the many ways you can contribute:

Donate via Our Secure Website

If you prefer the ease of making a one-time or recurring donation online using your credit card, fill out the form below.

Donate by Mail

If you would like to send your contribution to us directly, mail your check or credit card information to:
Long Island Reach
2-12 West Park Ave, Long Beach NY 11561
care of: Donations/ Volunteer Department.

Call Us

If youd like to make a contribution over the phone or speak with us about other giving opportunities, please call us at 516-889-2332.


Looking for a way to give back to your community? Or maybe you are looking to gain experience? If you or your group is interested in volunteer opportunities, submit a letter of interest attention Volunteer Department via email LBR@longbeachreach.com.